It’s a matter of feet. If you have ever been to Venice, you know! You walk a lot, probably like in no other place on earth. Ok, there the sea, you can use the gondola, for 40 minutes. You can take the expensive Vaporetto, a kind of bus on the water. But 90 % of your time you will walk. And you’ll be tired; after hours and hours walking, it could be painful. Even if you are perfectly fit and don’t have a stroller to carry, or you not so young anymore,….
Feet and eyes are the tools you’ll need more.
Walking so much could be tiring, and if your legs struggle to follows the wonder in your eyes, why do not imagine instead the light feet of dancers wandering around. What if your almost weightless body could pursue the beauty all around you with no difficulty.
Venice has been photographed and painted million of times. This makes it even more difficult. There’s the risk to look at it and not to see it really. How to capture the actual nature of this unique city?
Venice has art in every corner, there’s no place for your eyes to rest.
This series of works in an attempt to let you fly lightly between Calli (little streets) and Rii (little rivers).
When you are in Venice, you are overwhelmed anyway by so much opulence, so many stimulations, then I’ve decided to add art, a different art: Dance; instead of to simplify your view.
If I cannot make it easier I aim to cause a shock at least.

All these works are Markers on paper, A3.